Jake Baskin

Supporting the Teaching Community with Jake Baskin

March 26, 2021
Communications Officer

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Executive Director Jake Baskin joins the podcast to discuss the isolation that teachers, especially computer science teachers, often experience, the CSTA Equity Fellows program, and what he hopes the education system will take away our time teaching in a pandemic.

Jake also applauds the CS Ed community on how much policy work has been done, shares his best professional development experience, and drops a hint on where a future CSTA Annual Conference could be held. Plus, he wins the award for being our first guest to render Lien speechless!

The episode is available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyDeezerStitcher, and YouTube.


Host: Lien Diaz

Guest: Jake Baskin, executive director at Computer Science Teachers Association


Related Links:



CSTA Equity Fellows

CS K-12 Standards

Standards for Teachers

CSTA 2021 Annual Conference


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Follow Constellations on Twitter at @GT_CCEC

Follow Jake Baskin on Twitter at @jakebask

Follow CSTA on Twitter at @csteachersorg