voices with lily ho and michelle lee

The Model Minority Myth and the AAPI Experience with Michelle Lee and Lily Ho

May 11, 2021
Communications Officer

In this episode of VOICES for Social Justice, Lien has a heartfelt discussion with Michelle Lee (Computer Science Content Specialist in a public Bay Area school district) and Lily Ho (Computer Science Lead Educator at NYC Department of Education) about their experiences as AAPI women in the United States. The trio discuss the historical context that has led us to where we are today, explore the Model Minority Myth and its impact specifically on young AAPI girls in STEM, and make the case for decolonizing our curriculum.

The episode is available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyDeezerStitcher, and YouTube.

Host: Lien Diaz, director of educational innovation and leadership at the Constellations Center for Equity in Computing

Guest: Michelle Lee (Computer Science Content Specialist in a public Bay Area school district) and Lily Ho (Computer Science Lead Educator at NYC Department of Education)


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